Source code for

from __future__ import annotations
import platform
import socket
import struct
import threading
from openrgb import utils
from typing import Callable, Optional


if platform.system() == "Linux":
    NOSIGNAL: int = socket.MSG_NOSIGNAL
    NOSIGNAL = 0

[docs]class NetworkClient: ''' A class for interfacing with the OpenRGB SDK ''' def __init__(self, update_callback: Callable, address: str = "", port: int = 6742, name: str = "openrgb-python", protocol_version: Optional[int] = None): ''' :param update_callback: the function to call when data is received :param address: the ip address of the SDK server :param port: the port of the SDK server :param name: the string that will be displayed on the OpenRGB SDK tab's list of clients ''' self.lock = threading.Lock() self.callback = update_callback self.sock = None self.max_protocol_version = OPENRGB_PROTOCOL_VERSION if protocol_version is not None: if protocol_version > self.max_protocol_version: raise utils.SDKVersionError(f"Requested protocol version {protocol_version} is greater than maximum supported version {self.max_protocol_version}") self._protocol_version = protocol_version else: self._protocol_version = OPENRGB_PROTOCOL_VERSION self.address = address self.port = port = name self.start_connection()
[docs] def start_connection(self): ''' Initializes a socket, connects to the SDK, and sets the client name ''' if self.sock is not None: return self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.settimeout(1.0) try: self.sock.connect((self.address, self.port)) except OSError: self.sock = None raise # Checking server protocol version self.send_header(0, utils.PacketType.REQUEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION, struct.calcsize('I')) self.send_data(struct.pack("I", self._protocol_version), False) try: except socket.timeout: self._protocol_version = 0 self.lock.release() self.sock.settimeout(10.0) # Sending the client name name = bytes(f"{}\0", 'utf-8') self.send_header(0, utils.PacketType.SET_CLIENT_NAME, len(name)) self.send_data(name)
[docs] def stop_connection(self): ''' Closes the active socket ''' try: self.lock.release() except Exception: pass if self.sock is not None: self.sock.close() self.sock = None
[docs] def read(self): ''' Reads responses from the SDK :raises utils.OpenRGBDisconnected: when it loses connection to the SDK ''' if not self.connected: raise utils.OpenRGBDisconnected() header = bytearray(utils.HEADER_SIZE) try: self.sock.recv_into(header) except utils.CONNECTION_ERRORS as e: self.stop_connection() raise utils.OpenRGBDisconnected() from e if header == '\x00'*utils.HEADER_SIZE: self.stop_connection() raise utils.OpenRGBDisconnected() # Unpacking the contents of the raw header struct into a list buff = list(struct.unpack('ccccIII', header)) # Checking packet signature if buff[:4] == [b'O', b'R', b'G', b'B']: device_id, packet_type, packet_size = buff[4:] # Parse information from each packet type if packet_type == utils.PacketType.REQUEST_CONTROLLER_COUNT: try: buff = struct.unpack("I", self.sock.recv(packet_size)) self.lock.release() self.callback(device_id, packet_type, buff[0]) except utils.CONNECTION_ERRORS as e: self.stop_connection() raise utils.OpenRGBDisconnected() from e finally: try: self.lock.release() except RuntimeError: pass elif packet_type == utils.PacketType.REQUEST_CONTROLLER_DATA: try: data = bytes() while len(data) < packet_size: data += self.sock.recv(packet_size - len(data)) except utils.CONNECTION_ERRORS as e: self.stop_connection() raise utils.OpenRGBDisconnected() from e finally: self.lock.release() try: self.callback(device_id, packet_type, utils.ControllerData.unpack(data, self._protocol_version)) except utils.PARSING_ERRORS as e: raise utils.ControllerParsingError(f"Unable to parse data from request `{packet_type}` for device #{device_id}") from e elif packet_type == utils.PacketType.DEVICE_LIST_UPDATED: assert device_id == 0 and packet_size == 0 self.callback(device_id, packet_type, 0) elif packet_type == utils.PacketType.REQUEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION: try: self.max_protocol_version = min(struct.unpack("I", self.sock.recv(packet_size))[0], OPENRGB_PROTOCOL_VERSION) self._protocol_version = min(self.max_protocol_version, self._protocol_version) except utils.CONNECTION_ERRORS as e: self.stop_connection() raise utils.OpenRGBDisconnected() from e finally: self.lock.release() elif packet_type == utils.PacketType.REQUEST_PROFILE_LIST: try: data = bytes() while len(data) < packet_size: data += self.sock.recv(packet_size - len(data)) idata = iter(data) for _ in range(4): next(idata) except utils.CONNECTION_ERRORS as e: self.stop_connection() raise utils.OpenRGBDisconnected() from e finally: self.lock.release() self.callback(device_id, packet_type, utils.parse_list(utils.Profile, idata, self._protocol_version)) elif packet_type == utils.PacketType.REQUEST_PLUGIN_LIST: try: data = bytes() while len(data) < packet_size: data += self.sock.recv(packet_size - len(data)) idata = iter(data) for _ in range(4): next(idata) except utils.CONNECTION_ERRORS as e: self.stop_connection() raise utils.OpenRGBDisconnected() from e finally: self.lock.release() self.callback(device_id, packet_type, utils.parse_list(utils.Plugin, idata, self._protocol_version)) elif packet_type == utils.PacketType.PLUGIN_SPECIFIC: try: data = bytes() while len(data) < packet_size: data += self.sock.recv(packet_size - len(data)) idata = iter(data) except utils.CONNECTION_ERRORS as e: self.stop_connection() raise utils.OpenRGBDisconnected() from e finally: self.lock.release() self.callback(device_id, packet_type, idata)
[docs] def requestDeviceData(self, device: int): ''' Sends the request for a device's data :param device: the id of the device to request data for ''' if not self.connected: raise utils.OpenRGBDisconnected() self.send_header(device, utils.PacketType.REQUEST_CONTROLLER_DATA, struct.calcsize('I')) self.send_data(struct.pack("I", self._protocol_version), False)
[docs] def requestDeviceNum(self): ''' Requesting the number of devices from the SDK server ''' self.send_header(0, utils.PacketType.REQUEST_CONTROLLER_COUNT, 0)
[docs] def requestProfileList(self): ''' Sends the request for the available profiles ''' self.send_header(0, utils.PacketType.REQUEST_PROFILE_LIST, 0)
[docs] def requestPluginList(self): ''' Sends the request for the available plugins ''' self.send_header(0, utils.PacketType.REQUEST_PLUGIN_LIST, 0)
[docs] def send_header(self, device_id: int, packet_type: utils.PacketType, packet_size: int, release_lock: bool = True): ''' Sends a header to the SDK :param device_id: The id of the device to send a header for :param packet_type: A utils.PacketType :param packet_size: The full size of the data to be sent after the header ''' self.check_version(packet_type) if not self.connected: raise utils.OpenRGBDisconnected() if not self.lock.acquire(timeout=10): raise utils.OpenRGBDisconnected("SDK server did not respond to previous request") try: data = struct.pack('ccccIII', b'O', b'R', b'G', b'B', device_id, packet_type, packet_size) sent = self.sock.send(data, NOSIGNAL) # type: ignore if sent != len(data): self.stop_connection() raise utils.OpenRGBDisconnected() if release_lock and packet_size == 0 and packet_type not in (utils.PacketType.REQUEST_CONTROLLER_COUNT, utils.PacketType.REQUEST_CONTROLLER_DATA, utils.PacketType.REQUEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION, utils.PacketType.REQUEST_PROFILE_LIST, utils.PacketType.REQUEST_PLUGIN_LIST, utils.PacketType.PLUGIN_SPECIFIC): self.lock.release() except utils.CONNECTION_ERRORS as e: self.stop_connection() raise utils.OpenRGBDisconnected() from e
[docs] def send_data(self, data: bytes, release_lock: bool = True): ''' Sends data to the SDK :param data: The data to send ''' if not self.connected: raise utils.OpenRGBDisconnected() try: sent = self.sock.send(data, NOSIGNAL) # type: ignore if sent != len(data): self.stop_connection() raise utils.OpenRGBDisconnected() if release_lock: self.lock.release() except utils.CONNECTION_ERRORS as e: self.stop_connection() raise utils.OpenRGBDisconnected() from e
[docs] def check_version(self, packet_type: utils.PacketType): ''' Verifies that the packet type is supported on the version we are using. :param packet_type: What kind of packet is going to be sent :raises utils.SDKVersionError: When a packet is unsupported ''' if self._protocol_version < 2 and packet_type in (utils.PacketType.REQUEST_PROFILE_LIST, utils.PacketType.REQUEST_SAVE_PROFILE, utils.PacketType.REQUEST_LOAD_PROFILE, utils.PacketType.REQUEST_DELETE_PROFILE): raise utils.SDKVersionError("Profile controls not supported on protocol versions < 2. You probably need to update OpenRGB") elif self._protocol_version < 3 and packet_type == utils.PacketType.RGBCONTROLLER_SAVEMODE: raise utils.SDKVersionError("Saving modes not supported on protocol versions < 3. You probably need to update OpenRGB") elif self._protocol_version < 4 and packet_type in (utils.PacketType.REQUEST_PLUGIN_LIST, utils.PacketType.PLUGIN_SPECIFIC): raise utils.SDKVersionError("Plugin controls not supported on protocol versions < 4. You probably need to update OpenRGB")
@property def connected(self) -> bool: ''' Returns whether the current instance is currently connected to a server ''' return self.sock is not None