Source code for openrgb.utils

from __future__ import annotations
from enum import IntEnum, IntFlag
from typing import BinaryIO, Any, Iterator, Optional
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import struct
import colorsys
import socket


CONNECTION_ERRORS = (ConnectionResetError, BrokenPipeError, TimeoutError, socket.timeout)
PARSING_ERRORS = (UnicodeError, struct.error)

[docs]class ModeFlags(IntFlag): HAS_SPEED = (1 << 0) HAS_DIRECTION_LR = (1 << 1) HAS_DIRECTION_UD = (1 << 2) HAS_DIRECTION_HV = (1 << 3) HAS_BRIGHTNESS = (1 << 4) HAS_PER_LED_COLOR = (1 << 5) HAS_MODE_SPECIFIC_COLOR = (1 << 6) HAS_RANDOM_COLOR = (1 << 7)
[docs]class ModeDirections(IntEnum): LEFT = 0 RIGHT = 1 UP = 2 DOWN = 3 HORIZONTAL = 4 VERTICAL = 5
[docs]class ModeColors(IntEnum): NONE = 0 PER_LED = 1 MODE_SPECIFIC = 2 RANDOM = 3
[docs]class DeviceType(IntEnum): MOTHERBOARD = 0 DRAM = 1 GPU = 2 COOLER = 3 LEDSTRIP = 4 KEYBOARD = 5 MOUSE = 6 MOUSEMAT = 7 HEADSET = 8 HEADSET_STAND = 9 GAMEPAD = 10 LIGHT = 11 SPEAKER = 12 VIRTUAL = 13 UNKNOWN = 14
[docs]class ZoneType(IntEnum): SINGLE = 0 LINEAR = 1 MATRIX = 2
[docs]class OpenRGBDisconnected(ConnectionError): pass
[docs]class SDKVersionError(NotImplementedError): pass
[docs]class ControllerParsingError(ValueError): pass
[docs]def parse_var(type: str, data: Iterator[int]) -> Any: size = struct.calcsize(type) d = [] for _ in range(size): d.append(int(next(data))) try: return struct.unpack(type, bytes(d))[0] except IndexError: return
[docs]def parse_string(data: Iterator[int]) -> str: ''' Parses a string based on a size. :param data: the raw data to parse :returns: A parsed string ''' length = parse_var('H', data) return parse_var(f'{length}s', data).decode().rstrip('\x00')
[docs]def pack_string(string: str) -> bytes: ''' Packs a string into bytes :param string: the string to pack :returns: bytes ready to be used ''' num = len(string) return struct.pack(f"H{num}s", num + 1, string.encode('ascii')) + b'\x00'
[docs]def parse_list(kind: object, data: Iterator[int], version: int) -> list: ''' Parses a list of objects and returns them :param kind: the class that the list consists of :param data: the raw data to parse :param start: the location in the data to start parsing ''' length = parse_var('H', data) things = [] for x in range(length): things.append(kind.unpack(data, version, x)) # type: ignore return things
[docs]def pack_list(things: list, version: int) -> bytes: ''' Packs a list of things using the things' .pack() methods :param things: a list of things to pack :returns: bytes ready to be used ''' return bytes(struct.pack("H", len(things))) + b''.join(thing.pack(version) for thing in things)
[docs]@dataclass class RGBColor: red: int green: int blue: int
[docs] def pack(self, version: int = 0) -> bytes: ''' Packs itself into a bytes ready to be sent to the SDK or saved in a profile :returns: raw data ready to be sent or saved ''' return struct.pack("BBBx",,,
[docs] @classmethod def unpack(cls, data: Iterator[int], version: int, *args) -> RGBColor: ''' Unpacks an RGBColor object from bytes :returns: an RGBColor object ''' r = parse_var('B', data) g = parse_var('B', data) b = parse_var('B', data) parse_var('x', data) return cls(r, g, b)
[docs] @classmethod def fromHSV(cls, hue: int, saturation: int, value: int) -> RGBColor: ''' Creates a RGBColor object from HSV values using colorsys ''' return cls(*(round(i * 255) for i in colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hue/360, saturation/100, value/100)))
[docs] @classmethod def fromHEX(cls, hex: str) -> RGBColor: ''' Creates a RGBColor object from a hex color string ''' return cls(*(int(hex.lstrip('#')[i:i+2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4)))
[docs]@dataclass class LEDData: name: str value: int
[docs] def pack(self, version: int) -> bytes: ''' Packs itself into a bytes ready to be sent to the SDK or saved in a profile :returns: raw data ready to be sent or saved ''' return ( pack_string( + struct.pack("I", self.value) )
[docs] @classmethod def unpack(cls, data: Iterator[int], version: int, *args) -> LEDData: ''' Creates a new LEDData object from raw bytes :param data: the raw bytes from the SDK :param start: what place in the data object to start ''' name = parse_string(data) value = parse_var('I', data) return cls(name, value)
[docs]@dataclass class ModeData: id: int name: str value: int flags: ModeFlags speed_min: Optional[int] speed_max: Optional[int] brightness_min: Optional[int] brightness_max: Optional[int] colors_min: Optional[int] colors_max: Optional[int] speed: Optional[int] brightness: Optional[int] direction: Optional[ModeDirections] color_mode: ModeColors colors: Optional[list[RGBColor]]
[docs] def validate(self, version: int): ''' Tests the values of the mode data and raises a `ValueError` if the validation fails ''' try: if ModeFlags.HAS_SPEED in self.flags: assert self.speed is not None assert self.speed_min <= self.speed <= self.speed_max or self.speed_max <= self.speed <= self.speed_min # type: ignore if ModeFlags.HAS_MODE_SPECIFIC_COLOR in self.flags: assert self.colors_min <= len(self.colors) <= self.colors_max # type: ignore if ModeFlags.HAS_BRIGHTNESS in self.flags and version >= 3: assert self.brightness_min <= self.brightness <= self.brightness_max # type: ignore except AssertionError as e: raise ValueError("Mode validation failed. Required values invalid or not present") from e try: if ModeFlags.HAS_SPEED not in self.flags: assert all((i is None for i in (self.speed_max, self.speed_min, self.speed))) if ModeFlags.HAS_MODE_SPECIFIC_COLOR not in self.flags: assert all((i is None for i in (self.colors_max, self.colors_min, self.colors))) if ModeFlags.HAS_BRIGHTNESS not in self.flags or version < 3: assert all((i is None for i in (self.brightness_max, self.brightness_min, self.brightness))) except AssertionError as e: raise ValueError("Mode validation failed. Values are set that are not supported by this mode") from e
[docs] def pack(self, version: int) -> bytes: ''' Packs itself into a bytes ready to be sent to the SDK or saved in a profile :returns: raw data ready to be sent or saved ''' self.validate(version) data = struct.pack("i", data += pack_string( data += struct.pack('i', self.value) data += struct.pack('I', self.flags) data += struct.pack('I', self.speed_min if self.speed_min is not None else 0) data += struct.pack('I', self.speed_max if self.speed_max is not None else 0) if version >= 3: data += struct.pack('I', self.brightness_min if self.brightness_min is not None else 0) data += struct.pack('I', self.brightness_max if self.brightness_max is not None else 0) data += struct.pack('I', self.colors_min if self.colors_min is not None else 0) data += struct.pack('I', self.colors_max if self.colors_max is not None else 0) data += struct.pack('I', self.speed if self.speed is not None else 0) if version >= 3: data += struct.pack('I', self.brightness if self.brightness is not None else 0) data += struct.pack('I', self.direction if self.direction is not None else 0) data += struct.pack('I', self.color_mode) data += pack_list(self.colors if self.colors is not None else [], version) data = struct.pack("I", len(data) + struct.calcsize("I")) + data return data
[docs] @classmethod def unpack(cls, data: Iterator[int], version: int, index: int = 0) -> ModeData: ''' Creates a new ModeData object from raw bytes :param data: the raw bytes from the SDK :param start: what place in the data object to start :param index: which mode this is ''' name = parse_string(data) value = parse_var('i', data) flags = ModeFlags(parse_var('I', data)) speed_min = parse_var('I', data) speed_max = parse_var('I', data) if version >= 3: brightness_min = parse_var('I', data) brightness_max = parse_var('I', data) else: brightness_min = None brightness_max = None colors_min = parse_var('I', data) colors_max = parse_var('I', data) speed = parse_var('I', data) if version >= 3: brightness = parse_var('I', data) else: brightness = None direction = parse_var('I', data) color_mode = ModeColors(parse_var('I', data)) num_colors = parse_var('H', data) colors = [] # Garbage data will be sent if these flags aren't set if (ModeFlags.HAS_DIRECTION_HV in flags or ModeFlags.HAS_DIRECTION_UD in flags or ModeFlags.HAS_DIRECTION_LR in flags): direction = ModeDirections(direction) else: direction = None if ModeFlags.HAS_SPEED not in flags: speed_min, speed_max, speed = None, None, None if ModeFlags.HAS_BRIGHTNESS not in flags or version < 3: brightness_min, brightness_max, brightness = None, None, None for i in range(num_colors): color = RGBColor.unpack(data, version) colors.append(color) if num_colors == 0: colors, colors_min, colors_max = None, None, None # type: ignore return cls( index, name, value, flags, speed_min, speed_max, brightness_min, brightness_max, colors_min, colors_max, speed, brightness, direction, color_mode, colors )
[docs]@dataclass class ZoneData: name: str zone_type: ZoneType leds_min: int leds_max: int num_leds: int mat_height: Optional[int] mat_width: Optional[int] matrix_map: Optional[list[list[Optional[int]]]] = None leds: list[LEDData] = field(default_factory=list) colors: list[RGBColor] = field(default_factory=list) start_idx: int = 0
[docs] def pack(self, version: int) -> bytes: ''' Packs itself into a bytes ready to be sent to the SDK or saved in a profile :returns: raw data ready to be sent or saved ''' data = ( pack_string( + struct.pack( "i3I", self.zone_type, self.leds_min, self.leds_max, self.num_leds ) ) if self.mat_height > 0 and self.mat_width > 0: # type: ignore flat = [i for li in self.matrix_map for i in li] # type: ignore assert len(flat) == (self.mat_width * self.mat_height) # type: ignore data += struct.pack( f"HII{len(flat)}I", len(flat), self.mat_height, self.mat_width, *flat ) else: data += struct.pack("H", 0) return data
[docs] @classmethod def unpack(cls, data: Iterator[int], version: int, *args) -> ZoneData: ''' Unpacks the raw data into a ZoneData object :param data: The raw byte data to unpack :param start: What place in the data object to start ''' name = parse_string(data) zone_type = ZoneType(parse_var('i', data)) leds_min = parse_var('I', data) leds_max = parse_var('I', data) num_leds = parse_var('I', data) matrix_zone_size = parse_var('H', data) if zone_type == ZoneType.MATRIX: height = parse_var('I', data) width = parse_var('I', data) matrix: list[list[Optional[int]]] = [[] for x in range(height)] for y in range(height): for _ in range(width): matrix[y].append(parse_var('I', data)) for idx, row in enumerate(matrix): matrix[idx] = [x if x != 0xFFFFFFFF else None for x in row] else: height, width = None, None matrix = None # type: ignore return cls( name, zone_type, leds_min, leds_max, num_leds, height, width, matrix )
[docs]@dataclass class MetaData: vendor: Optional[str] description: str version: str serial: str location: str
[docs] def pack(self, version: int) -> bytes: ''' Packs itself into a bytes ready to be sent to the SDK or saved in a profile :returns: raw data ready to be sent or saved ''' buff = ( pack_string(self.description) + pack_string(self.version) + pack_string(self.serial) + pack_string(self.location) ) if version >= 1: buff = pack_string(self.vendor) + buff # type: ignore return buff
[docs] @classmethod def unpack(cls, data: Iterator[int], version: int, *args) -> MetaData: ''' Unpacks the raw data into a MetaData object :param data: The raw byte data to unpack :param start: What place in the data object to start ''' if version >= 1: vendor: Optional[str] = parse_string(data) else: vendor = None description = parse_string(data) fw_version = parse_string(data) serial = parse_string(data) location = parse_string(data) return cls( vendor, description, fw_version, serial, location )
[docs]@dataclass class ControllerData: name: str metadata: MetaData device_type: DeviceType leds: list[LEDData] zones: list[ZoneData] modes: list[ModeData] colors: list[RGBColor] active_mode: int
[docs] def pack(self, version: int) -> bytes: ''' Packs itself into a bytes ready to be sent to the SDK or saved in a profile :returns: raw data ready to be sent or saved ''' buff = ( struct.pack("i", self.device_type) + pack_string( + self.metadata.pack(version) + struct.pack("H", len(self.modes)) + struct.pack("i", self.active_mode) + b''.join(mode.pack(version)[struct.calcsize("Ii"):] for mode in self.modes) + pack_list(self.zones, version) + pack_list(self.leds, version) + pack_list(self.colors, version) ) buff = struct.pack("I", len(buff) + struct.calcsize("I")) + buff return buff
[docs] @classmethod def unpack(cls, raw_data: bytes, version: int, start: int = 0) -> ControllerData: ''' Unpacks the raw bytes received from the SDK into a ControllerData dataclass :param data: The raw data from a response to a request for device data :returns: A ControllerData dataclass ready to pass into the OpenRGBClient's calback function ''' data = iter(raw_data) size = parse_var('I', data) try: device_type = DeviceType(parse_var('i', data)) except ValueError: device_type = DeviceType.UNKNOWN name = parse_string(data) metadata = MetaData.unpack(data, version) num_modes = parse_var('H', data) active_mode = parse_var('i', data) modes = [] for x in range(num_modes): mode = ModeData.unpack(data, version, x) modes.append(mode) zones = parse_list(ZoneData, data, version) leds = parse_list(LEDData, data, version) colors = parse_list(RGBColor, data, version) i = 0 for zone in zones: zone.start_idx = i zone.leds = leds[i:i + zone.num_leds] zone.colors = colors[i:i + zone.num_leds] i += zone.num_leds # print("Device Information:\n", "\tDevice type:", device_type, "\n\t", end="") # print(metadata, sep="\n\t") # print("Mode Information:\n", "\tNumber of modes:", len(modes), "\n\tActive Mode:", active_mode, "\n\t", end="") # print(*modes, sep='\n\t') # print("Zone Information:\n", "\tNumber of zones:", len(zones), "\n\t", end="") # print(*zones, sep='\n\t') # print("LED Information:\n", "\tNumber of LEDs:", len(leds), "\n\t", end="") # print(*leds, sep="\n\t") # print("Color Information:\n", "\tNumber of Colors:", len(colors), "\n\t", end="") # print(*colors, sep="\n\t") # print("---------------------------------") return cls( name, metadata, device_type, leds, zones, modes, colors, active_mode )
[docs]@dataclass class LocalProfile: ''' A dataclass to load, store, and pack the data found in an OpenRGB profile file. ''' controllers: list[ControllerData]
[docs] def pack(self) -> bytes: data = bytes() data += struct.pack("16sI", b'OPENRGB_PROFILE\x00', 1) for dev in self.controllers: data += dev.pack(0) return data
[docs] @classmethod def unpack(cls, profile: BinaryIO) -> LocalProfile: header = + struct.calcsize("I")) if struct.unpack("16s", header[:16])[0] != b"OPENRGB_PROFILE\x00": raise ValueError("The file is not an OpenRGB profile") version = struct.unpack("I", header[16:])[0] if version == 1: version = 0 controllers = [] while True: d ="I")) if len(d) < struct.calcsize("I"): break size = struct.unpack("I", d)[0] - struct.calcsize("I")) new_data = ControllerData.unpack(, version) controllers.append(new_data) return cls(controllers)
[docs]@dataclass class Profile: ''' A simple dataclass to parse profiles from the server. ''' name: str
[docs] def pack(self) -> bytes: return bytes(f"{}\0", 'utf-8')
[docs] @classmethod def unpack(cls, data: Iterator[int], version: int, *args) -> Profile: s = parse_string(data) return cls(s)
[docs]class RGBObject: ''' A parent class that includes a few generic functions that use the implementation provided by the children. ''' def __repr__(self): return f"{type(self).__name__}(name={}, id={})"
[docs] def set_color(self, color: RGBColor, fast: bool = False): ''' Sets the color :param color: the color to set ''' pass
[docs] def clear(self): ''' Turns all of the LEDS off ''' self.set_color(RGBColor(0, 0, 0))
[docs] def update(self): ''' Gets the current status from the SDK server, ensuring a correct internal state. ''' self.comms.requestDeviceData(self.device_id)
[docs]class RGBContainer(RGBObject): ''' A parent class for RGBObjects that can control more than one LED like the :any:`Device` class or the :any:`Zone` class. ''' def __init__(self): self.colors: list[RGBColor] = [] self._colors: list[RGBColor] = [] self.leds: list = []
[docs] def set_colors(self, colors: list[RGBColor], fast: bool = False): ''' Sets mutliple colors :param colors: A list of colors to set ''' pass
[docs] def show(self, fast: bool = False, force: bool = False): ''' Applies changes in the color attribute :param fast: Whether or not update the device on each call :param force: If True, the function will update every led, regardless of previous state. ''' if len(self.colors) > len(self._colors): raise ValueError(f"`self.colors` is longer than expected length `{len(self._colors)}`") elif len(self.colors) < len(self._colors): raise ValueError(f"`self.colors` is shorter than expected length `{len(self._colors)}`") changed = [(i, color) for i, color in enumerate(self.colors) if color != self._colors[i]] if force: self.set_colors(self.colors, fast=True) elif len(changed) == 0: return elif len(changed) == 1: self.leds[changed[0][0]].set_color(changed[0][1], fast=True) elif len(changed) > 1: self.set_colors(self.colors, fast=True) self._colors = self.colors[:] if not fast: self.update()